Dress - Topshop | Shoes - Dr Martins | Jacket - Topman | Watch - Swatch Hey Guys, just a quick update/outfit post from me I hope everyone is okay and have had...
Trousers - Lashes of London * | Jumper - Primark | Boots - Lavish Alice * Ok so I'm not to sure about these trousers I wore them yesterday and well I like...
Jumper, Socks - Topshop | Shirt - Zara | Jeans - Dr Denim at White Feather boutique | Shoes - Dr Martins Hi Guys :) hope you are all well! I just wanted...
Dr Martens Deirdre Shoe Hey everyone, long time no blog! Ok so quick question, when did we arrive into February... seriously time goes way too fast! It feels like I haven't blogged for...