Sass Ya Fedora For Summer


Hey lovelies just a quick post today it was suppose to be an outfit but I haven't got round to sorting out the images yet, so I thought I'd out together a cute ideas post instead. Now it is not the most genius of ideas and doesn't take a lot to get involved; all you need it your favourite fedora and a tie up floral head band (or any other head band of your choice). As simple as those two things you tie the floral band around your fedora e' viola you have a cute summer fedora to see you through those festival times or maybe a summer holiday or two. This is how I'm currently wearing mine, as thought I'd share the idea you with you folks.

Sass ya fedora // KWB
Sass ya fedora // KWB

If you just so happen to like this idea and do the same to your fedoras tag me over on instagram or twitter with a pic so I can see. Both @kirstywearsblog, speak soon xo

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