
Just thought I would put together a post of all the wonderful garms I have bought recently, although I'm sure it won't be long before I outfit post most of them, but all the same they make for a pretty photo..

Thailand Market Finds - Kirsty Wears
Thailand Market Finds - Kirsty Wears

One of my favourite things about Thailand so far has been the markets and the untold amount of wonderful things they all have. Most of them have quite a lot similar displayed however it is always fun to rummage and have a look through, there are so many colours and bright things - literally I'm like a child in a sweet shop. James is somewhat not impressed as yes I can admit that we have seen pretty much everything there is to see, but I still find something that fascinates me.

Thailand Market Finds - Kirsty Wears

So moving on; here are some of the bits I purchased the other day, I must admit that I did get a little carried away and got a lot more than I thought. I was only suppose to be trying to find a new dress, which I did find, as well as two pairs of short, a top, a bag and some fabulous trousers. I cannot stop staring at them all I am such sucker for patterns and textures so all these are a dream. 

Thailand Market Finds - Kirsty Wears

I'll no doubt be living in these over the next couple of weeks so I'll be sure to blog as I do. Speak soon xo 

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  1. wow! I love tie dye and anything printed colourfully! I really hope to go to thailand one day, even if it's just for the amazing finds like this, let alone the beautiful country! x

  2. Wow what a colourful post!! x

