A Little Rusty


Dress - Love Struck Boutique * | Cardigan - Zara Mens | Boots - ASOS | Hat - H&M 

This outfit is from last Friday, I have been meaning to blog it all weekend but I have been feeling so bleurghh with flu I just couldn't face trying to blog. However today I feel slightly more me - so am attempting to put the post together. 

I wore this to go stay with my mum in Ashford for the weekend, I also wore the dress for the majority  of the weekend too :) The dress is from a little online boutique called Lovestruck and also comes in Navy for anyone who is interested. Love Struck have some really lovely dresses with the prettiest of detailing you should definitely check them out if your look for a vintage looking number with a little pretty twist! 

I am kind of struggling to write/end this post in some sort of way I do not know, I have been staring at the screen for the last 10 minutes completely blank :| My head is just not functioning I am so bunged up, sorry guys! I hoped to get better soon and be more on the blog ball! xo

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  1. such a cute dress love your blog

  2. LOVE this outfit,it looks just perfect! I wouldn´t mind having the cardigan and the boots myself.. hihi :)

  3. Such a pretty dress Kirsty! Hope you feel much better soon, I'm not looking forward to my winter cold :(

  4. Aw no, hope you're feeling better soon sistah sistah! looking amazing as always if it makes you feel any better :-) x

    1. thank you amy still feeling poop unfortunately :( xx

  5. Gorgeous outfit, I love the cardigan!! x

  6. Thats Zara mens cardigan look amazing worn like that, might have to go and see if I can find one for myself.
    Bailey from besemtee xx

  7. I love your cardi, looks really snuggly x


  8. this dress is such a nice shade ! x

  9. Love this darling, such a gorgeous dress on you and loving the mens oversized cardi!

    Eda ♥

    Candyfloss Curls, Cupcakes & Couture

    I'm on twitter ♥

  10. Hi! Could you, maybe, check out my blog? I'm kinda new and I know you get a lot of request like this, but said I'd try my luck. :) http://imeowlife.blogspot.ro
