TIPS & TRICKS // Keeping inspired as a whole & your blog


One of the hardest things I find to do is keeping myself inspired and motivated, therefore I constantly remind myself that everyday is a new which is an opportunity to find new inspirations and make new goals. Having studied a creative degree you'd think seeking inspiration would come second nature to me however that is not the case and it takes a great deal of self motivation and determination to keep yourself inspired. There were moments when I thought it was just not possible but then a little self evaluation and belief anything is possible, so if you seek to do something in life that you love and really want then the only way you are going to achieve at anything is through hard work and positivity. So on that note I thought I would share with you guys a few of the things that I do on a daily basis to keep myself inspired to continue with both my blog and my future ambition.
Keeping Inspired // Kirsty Wears
Mood Boards // One of the main things that I love to do and could possibly spend hours creating is mood boards both online and on paper. I find it is a great way to seek and collect inspiration for all sort of things whether it's a project or simply just fashion and wardrobe inspiration. I currently obsessed with Pinterest which I recently joined, it makes it so easy to categorise all the things you love and a great way to have all your inspiration in one place. My boards include all sorts of things from food, decor, fashion, and travel - and I am constantly adding to them each day.

What You Love // It is important to remember why you started something or what made you want to do what you are doing now. It is very easy to loose the motivation to carry on especially when you feel like you have been doing something for so long - forgetting why your doing it in the first place is very easy. So to prevent feeling lost and with no will you need to continue, surround yourself with all the things that you are passionate about and continue to do the things you enjoy. Whether it is blogging, creating outfits, trend hunting, drawing, photography, designing, whatever it is - just carry on doing them. As it is only when you stop or start to slow down that you begin to feel lost. I know from personal experience that feeling lost and with no direction is a horrible thing, but there is no better feeling of carrying out a dream or working hard on something that you fully enjoy and getting results. I guess what I am trying to say is SURROUND YOURSELF IN & WITH WHAT YOU LOVE GURLL ...or BOY!

Other Blogs // I love to read my favourite blogs and I also love to come across new blogs too. I couldn't imagine four years ago that I would make blog reading part of my daily doings, but now does not go a day where I won't scroll through my Bloglovin feed and catch up with all my favs. Being and feeling part of a community (this case blogging and fashion etc) is possibly one of the most inspiring things, meeting and making friends from your little online hub is probably one of the great things that come from writing a blog and it is strange because most of us probably got told not to talk to strangers over the internet. LOL oops!

Those Wardrobe Favourites // Ok so it probably obvious that I have a love for clothes and fashion in general (hence why there is a whole blog about it), I literally live, breath, dream and eat it. However recently I have come to a fashion stand still as I am half way across the world living out a suitcase that has already become full to its means. So whats a girl to do that has already worn everything at least twice and couldn't possibly buy any more new clothes. Revive the old, yup that is what I have been doing you have probably already seen a few repeats of certain items on the blog but it has been working (for me anyway) and it means I still get to blog outfits and share with you guys different ways to wear things. You never know pulling out some of the old wardrobe garms you might find something that you wasn't too sure about and now love.
Keeping Inspired // Kirsty Wears
Take Pictures // See something you like take a picture, you like your hair today take a picture. There is no harm in documenting things you like and find because one day that picture will spark a memory or inspire you to do something. I find Instagram a great visual blog for documenting all my favourite things and a create way to create memories. Some of my favourite instagram photos to take include flat lays, ootd (outfit of the day), from where I stand, selfie's (of course who doesn't). Instagram is also a great way to seek inspiration from other people and fellow bloggers.

Stay positive // & Lastly remember to stay positive. For me this is an important factor that I try and do everyday, especially when thinking about the future and possible careers and ideas. It is so easy to get bogged down in the feeling your not achieving what you want to be achieving or get caught up in comparing yourself to others around you. Remembering that if it is meant to be it will be, and if your working hard and enjoying what you do then you will eventually be where you want to be. I have touched on this in a previous post here if you fancied a read.
Keeping Inspired // Kirsty Wears
There you have it my six things that I try and make sure that I do to continue to feel inspired with both my life and my little old blog. Sometimes it is easy to feel like your not gaining anything but I guess it all boils down to hard work and a little belief and of course self motivation. I hope you liked this post please let me know if you did and leave me a comment below :) also do share any inspiration seeking tips that you have and if you also have done a post similar to this so I can have a read. Adios Amigos x 

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